What are Abstracts used for in conefernces?
Abstracts are a crucial component of scientific conferences, as they provide a succinct overview of the research that will be presented at the conference. Here are some ways that abstracts are used in scientific conferences:
- Conference Program: The conference program is usually built around the abstracts submitted by the presenting authors. The program provides a general outline of the research that will be presented, along with the authors’ names and the titles of their presentations.
- Session Planning: Conference organizers use abstracts to plan the sessions and determine which presentations should be grouped together based on their topics and themes.
- Selection of Presentations: Scientific conferences often receive many more abstract submissions than they have time to present, so abstracts are used to select which presentations will be included in the conference. The selection process is usually based on the quality and relevance of the research described in the abstract.
- Networking: Attendees use abstracts to identify presentations that are relevant to their own research, and to plan which sessions they will attend. This allows attendees to network with researchers who are working in similar areas and to make connections for future collaboration.
- Promotion: Presenting authors use their abstracts to promote their research and to attract attendees to their presentations. A well-written abstract can help an author’s work gain visibility and attract potential collaborators and funders.
In summary, abstracts play a crucial role in scientific conferences, serving as a summary of the research that will be presented, a tool for session planning and selection, a means for attendees to network and identify relevant presentations, and a promotional tool for presenting authors.